An in-depth analysis on Italian youth through an exclusive poll of Demopolis. The results are compared with a similar survey conducted in 1983 among teen by Mario Scialoja on l’Espresso 2015_11_ADOLESCENTI=001
Category Archives: General
How university teachers are leaning on startups
The new sex slaves from Libya
An investigative report on the huge number of trafficking victims for sexual exploitation who are arriving in Italy and Europe from Libya, as the traffickers profit from the migrants wave. And the government see. But doesn’t act
Schiave dalla Libia
How much did he spend for migrants? / Cover issue
Analysis of Roberto Maroni home affair ruling
Quant’รจ caro il migrante di Maroni
Matteo Renzi restarts from the family – gay rights, paternity leave, and divorce / Cover issue
How in a political empasse, Matteo Renzi will try to do something which belongs to the “lefts”: civil partnership for gay couples, light divorce, adoptions and paternity leave
Cover issue
Renzi riparte dalla famiglia con le unioni civili
I forgive the killer of my husband
A long-form story on jail, forgiveness, and hope
Perdono il killer di mio marito
L’amore ai tempi dell’Islam
An inquiry about love and sexuality among young muslims who live in Italy
April 2015
Complete article: 2015_AMOREINISLAM=001
Chi blocca la rinascita di Pompei
An inquiry about the use of European funds in Pompei
Complete article: Chi blocca Pompei
Jihad in carcere
March 2015 – An inquiry about the radicalization of muslim prisoners in Italy
Centomila scomparsi / Cover issue
A long-story and an inquiry about the sheltering of migrants in Italy, the continue emergency in which is dealt, and the consequences the uncertainty has on their lives. Starting with a rich infographic that I personally built as for the datas on the escape of 100.000 of them
2015 – Cover issue