Category Archives: General

Proletari digitali / Digital ouvriers / Cover issue

Proletari digitali

Digital proletarians: they work on computer. Without schedules or rights. To produce videos, softwares, websites. In theory these would be creative jobs. But in reality they’re often alienating and underpaid. In Italy, digital blue collars are 500 thousands already. Here their stories.

June 2014

Complete article: Proletari digitali

After the publication, I’ve been invited in Bologna’s University to speak about it. And also to a fair in Umbria

Expo Flop / Cover issue

L'Expo che non c'è

An inquiry about the government’s promises on Expo 2015 event. Officially, 20 millions tourists are waited. But I found out, asking to hotel owners, bus companies, tour operators, that at only 200 days from the opening, nothing is moving: no reservations, no requests…

October 2014 / “The over Cover”

Complete article: Expo_flop

La fuga dei laureati / Cover issue

La fuga dei laureati

The graduates’ drain: every year 5000 graduates leave Italy for abroad. They’re engineers, economists and doctors. Often the best ones. And to train them Universities spend 175 millions euros a year. Here’s how Italy is loosing the ruling class of the future

March 2014

Complete article: La fuga dei laureati

Online: Online